There's a lot to experience and learn here. So, take your time, look around, and discover all there is to know about A Hand in Healing. I hope you enjoy my site and take a moment to call or drop me a line! I look forward to meeting you!
“How are you feeling today?” I honestly want to know! I probably have something natural that can help if you are not 100%!
I take the time to know more about you before I suggest services I not only believe in, but have personally experienced. My heart is passionate about these products and services! I know that if you are open to receiving the blessings of them, they will work with you as well.
My reiki sessions bring a focused, impactful healing. My attunements allow for peaceful introspection. It is my goal to be the conduit for your healing; to connect you to your Divine for your highest and greatest good.
I believe:
God is Love.
Love is God.
You are made from God.
You are Love.
Love is the reason we are here on Earth.
To learn Love.
To BE Love.
I know:
Peace comes from within.
If you are without it,
there is hope.
The Elohim of Peace
can bring it to you!
May peace be WITHIN you!
I pray:
For all humans to know God, Love and Peace.
I accept the Divine calling to spread love, peace and healing around the world. I believe by working together, we can have Heaven on Earth again.
To achieve optimal wellness, one must learn techniques and apply them towards every part of life. You can apply a wellness approach towards your environment, community, career, belief systems, physical activities, self care, healthy eating, self esteem, and creative activities.
Applying wellness in your everyday life will allow you to achieve your full potential and live with passion and purpose. Please check out my services and feel free to call for a private discussion on your needs today!
*Please note: All covid guidelines are followed. Rules will be discussed before your appointment. Masks are required. Cheryl is certified and insured for all services offered.
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